

José-Luis Cortés Delgado has been elected President of the UIA for the 2021-2023 period. He succeeds Thomas Vonier in the position.


A graduate of the Monterrey Institute of Technology, Mexico, with post-graduate degrees in urban planning from the Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Denmark and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA, Mr. Cortés Delgado is the former President of the Federation of Colleges of Architects of the Mexican Republic - FCARM (2017-2018).


He taught urban planning at the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Campus Xochimilc and at the University of Iberoamerica, where he headed the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning. A visiting professor in India, Japan and Sweden, Mr. Cortés Delgado has carried out architectural and urban planning projects for many historic city centres and has authored numerous publications on housing and urban planning. He has received official honours from the governments of Spain and Japan. 


Mr. Cortés Delgado fervently believes that the UIA “can and should demonstrate to society that good architecture has the potential to improve quality of life and that designing healthy, sustainable, safe, inclusive, equitable, diverse, human and beautiful cities results in happiness for all.”